Monday, January 5, 2015

Redemption & Democracy

Removing myself from time and space and what do I get? A lot of unanswered questions in the existence of man kind. But what does it really mean? Sacrificing everything you know and love and for what? Just to make others happy? The real question here is... Why?

Why do we need to make other's happy, when we need to work on yourselves first? But that's just me, a girl behind a computer telling the whole world what I think.

But yet, going into a man's job field is frown on. Why? Don't they think that women can do it better or are they just being racist Piaget's? The world may never know but maybe the universe just might know.

What is Redemption? "The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. The action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt."

Everybody needs a little Redemption in their lives. But its how you tend to use it for the better or just down right evil. Like: Mob, Mafia, Cartels, etc...

If there was no Redemption, what kind of world would we live in? Peace and Serenity? Is there really such a thing? With the world now and the crime rates, who knows.

What kind of world do we live in now? Doesn't matter where we turn around, there will always be democracy in every corner. People criticizing every little thing you do and for what? I guess, let there be Redemption. Right? My guess is as good as your own.

But how far can Redemption will go if nobody wants to reap what they sew?

Democracy - A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. "Capitalism and democracy are ascendant in the third world."  A state governed by a democracy. "A multiparty democracy."  Control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. "The intended extension of industrial democracy."

Here's what our nations most famous people from the past have to say about Democracy today.

Thomas Jefferson 3rd U.S. President (1743-1826)- "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent."  "Information is the currency of democracy."

Benito Mussolini- "Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choose are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education."

Bill Moyers- "The quality of democracy and the quality of journalism are deeply entwined."

Fun Fact: My family's name is Kraus and they are Austrian. So, I might be related to this guy and who know, I also might be related to Brian Kraus from Charmed who played Leo Wyatt.
Karl Kraus (Austrian Writer 1874-1936)- "Democracy means the opportunity to be everyone's slave."

Winston Churchill- "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all others that have been tried."

Benito Juarez- "Democracy is the destiny of humanity; freedom its indestructible arm."

Che Guevara- "Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians."

Johnny Cash - Redemption

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