Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mr. Wrong vs. Mr. Right?

We go through life thinking that its going to be exactly like our parents marriage, filled with hope and happiness.

But the thing is its just not like that, we have to go through life walking on our own two feet, even if that means getting wet in the process.

Life is hard as it is and some times we all are looking for some answers to our questions to better guide us in our travels.

But some times it just doesn't work out like that. We have to keep going through life on our own to experience certain things that may or may not be relevant at the time.

Some times life likes to give us all unexpected surprises in the depths of our mists, but what the hell our we suppose to do?

From Mr. Wrong, Mr. Cocky, Mr. Worse, Mr. Cheap and Mr. Rude, where the hell is Mr. Right?!

From all the wrongs all in between, wheres the right? Something to keep all of us whole and complete but with out that we our nothing, we don't exist at all, we are just the shadows that linger on in god for saken miserable place.

Where do we even start in order to keep our heads on straight, if we don't have that voidence at all to make us whole and complete?

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