Friday, March 8, 2013


In today's society, there are two groups... People who create it and people who simple walk way from it.

I guess it all depends on which type you are. Some people live off of it and don't want nothing to do with the conflict.

Take for instance in my journey.. I have people in my life like...

Robert, who loves creating conflict, he really does and it gets annoying really fast. And then, he plays these guilt trips which are so beyond pathetic.

Danny, who thinks that everybody should bow down to and give him everything that he damn well wants.

Kenny, the very good liar and cheater; who will simple not tell people anything and have shit blow up in his face a year later because he simple can't tell the truth.

Mary, who loves to argue and is a lot like Danny in a way and will mooch off of someone until their dying day and still wants to be taking care of after that. Well, she simple wants is a sugar daddy to take care of her but the truth is, nobody wants her because she looks like she is in her 60s when she really is in her late 50s. Her own children don't want her and that's just fucking pathetic.

And then, there are those people in my life who don't want nothing to do with the world and remove themselves entirely like...

Bridget,  who thinks that she doesn't have to associate with anybody in her life and that's including her own family, can we say selfish?!

But what can I say? My list can go on and on but the real truth to all of this is...

Why create it in the first place? Is your life really that boring so you have to make something up or cause havoc and chaos?

The real truth is, we will simple never know, only that person will know that's causing that harm to someone else. All you have to do is simple really, stay away from that person as much as possible because in the long run, they are really miserable and some how or another, your life is perfect and they want to take that away from you.

(This blog was inspired by: The Carrie Diaries) 

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