Saturday, January 4, 2014

Different Types of Hauntings

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So we talked about the different types of haunting's and ghost stories. Here's a short list of the different types of ghost haunting's. Just note, that the ghost stories will not be on here; you have to listen to the show to here about the stories.

  1. Apparition- A materialized ghost or spirit. The appearance of a person's phantom, living or dead, seen in a dream or in the waking state as the result of astral projection or clairvoyance.
  2. Animal Ghosts- The discarnate soul of an animal still occupying the physical realm. These spirits may or may not know that they are dead. They can also be called forth.
  3. Demon- A low level and inhuman spirit that interacts in the affairs of the mortal world. It is said there exist numerous varieties of demons. Some are good; some are evil and some are a combination of both. (The word "Demon" means "Replete with wisdom" and derives from Greek, daimon, which means "Divine Power" or "A God".) 
  4. Demonic- Pertaining to demons.
  5. Demonic Haunting- This type of haunting is usually caused by a malevolent, nonhuman entity or demon. Although human spirits can cause some of the same activity, it is rare.   They often start out with subtle and relatively simple activity, which then quickly increases in intensity. They can be very dramatic and violent in nature. There will be poltergeist activity (see description above), as well as vicious attacks on the living that result in psychological and physical harm.  Sometimes the attacks are sexual in nature, which can also include very vivid dreams of sexual acts. It will weaken its victim’s psychological and emotional state, which will influence his or her behavior.   The entity will wear it’s victim down until it can gain full control of them through possession. 
  6. Doppelganger- The human double, astral body or ghost resembling a person who is still alive. The word is German in its origin and means "Double Walker". Known in Sweden as a Vardoger.  
  7. Doppelgänger- The “Doppelgänger” is unique among other ghosts. The definition of this type of ghost is actually found in the name. “Doppelgänger” is a German word for “double goer.” This ghost type has the ability to project itself in more than one place, hence the meaning of its name. As far as is known, no other ghost type has this kind of ability. But the real unique quality of the doppelgänger is that the person it projects to others can still be alive. So it is entirely possible that a person can see their loved one when they are not physically present. Another common scenario involving the doppelgänger is a person seeing the image of someone close to them, only to find out later that the person they saw died at the precise moment their image appeared. The mythos of the doppelgänger is that it precedes some kind of tragedy. American President Abraham Lincoln claimed to have seen his own doppelgänger in a mirror right before he was assassinated, and poet Percy Bysshe Shelley saw his in a dream. No one knows for sure what a doppelgänger really is. Theories persist, but indicative of the paranormal, there is no certified conclusion. Doppelgängers may be astral projections of live persons or the actual spirit of the person, recently departed and visiting those important in its life. 
  8. Double- Another name for a person's astral body or doppelganger. 
  9. Evil Spirits- Spirits whose sole purpose for existing is to hurt or destroy the living. It is widely believed that if a person is evil in life, his or her spirit will remain so after death. 
  10. Ghost- The spirit or apparition of a dead person that appears to the living or returns to haunt a former habitat; the disembodied spirit of a person who has died. Animals and inanimate objects such as ships and buildings can also be ghosts. Other words for ghost include: phantom, shade, specter and wraith. (Most people throughout the world use the words "Spirit" and "Ghost" interchangeably).
  11. Ghost Lights- Strange and unexplained lights that are sometimes observed in haunted houses or in some cases, graveyards, woods and marshlands. Ghost lights are frequently captured on photographic film. 
  12. Globule- See Orbs for definition.
  13. Haunted- As a noun, this word is used to indicate a person, place or inanimate object to which human or inhuman spirits are attached. As an adjective, it refers to a person, place or object frequently visited by ghosts. From the French word, Hanter, meaning "To Frequent". 
  14. Haunting- The unexplainable appearance of an image of a person, animal or inanimate object on a frequent or regular basis in a particular location. A state of existence under which a human or inhuman spirit has attached itself to a person, place or inanimate object. 
  15. Historical Haunting- Ghosts can be seen in more than one location, going about their business. Typically they are dressed in period clothing and often appear solid. They may interact with the living, but they believe they are living in their own time.
  16. Human Spirit- The spirit of a person who once lived on the physical plane of existence. Human spirits can remain earth bound for various reasons. 
  17. Inanimate Ghosts- At one time, inanimate ghosts were all the rage in the ghost scene. The phantom ship, the Flying Dutchman, personifies what the inanimate ghost is all about. The Flying Dutchman terrorized sailors on the high seas in the 17th century, so much so that even gazing upon it meant almost certain doom for the voyage. The Flying Dutchman, apart from the most ardent of enthusiasts and opera buffs, is largely forgotten in this day and age, and no longer inspires the fear that it once did. Inanimate ghosts come in all forms, not just ships. They can be cars, trains, and even disembodied lamps. One thing that all inanimate ghosts have in common is routine; they all appear in the same time and place, traveling the same routes the vehicle (if it is a moving thing) was taking right as the moment of disaster. These ghosts are frozen in time, repeating their final moments, over and over again, without any hope of liberation from their perpetual cycle.
  18. Inhuman Spirits- The spirit of a creature that has never lived on the physical plane of existence. Inhuman spirits that are benevolent by nature are often classified as angels, while malevolent ones are classified as demons and devils. Also known as a non-human spirit.
  19. Intelligent Haunting- Perhaps the most widely accepted kind of ghostly activity. Here the spirit or entity involved is an “intelligent” presence in a haunted location. It is there because of a connection to the site, or to the people, in the location. This ghost is best (and most simply) described as the personality of a person who once lived and has stayed behind, instead of crossing over to the other side. Also known as Interactive Haunting.
  20. Orbs- A sphere of electromagnetic energy produced by  spirits. Also known as a Globule. When photographed, spirits often appear on film as Globules. Basically, tiny balls of light; can often be mistaken for dust partials.
  21. Ouija Board- A special game board manufactured by the Parker Brothers company and marked with letters of the alphabet, numbers and the words "Yes" and "No". It is used in conjunction with a pointed indicator called "Planchette" as a device for divination and as a means to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Some believe this "communication" is caused by the collective unconscious of the participants. (Automatism).
  22. Poltergeist- From the German polter, "Uproar" and geist, "Ghost", a word given to the type of phenomenon in which sudden disturbances; such as loud rapping and other sounds; the throwing of objects; the moving of furniture; the raining of stones and other small objects; strange lights; peculiar odors; and physical assaults upon humans and animals; occur.
  23. Poltergeist - (-Cont.-) This is a spirit, usually mischievous and occasionally malevolent, which can manifest its presence by making noises, moving objects, and assaulting people and animals.  The term “poltergeist” comes from the German poltern, “to knock,” and geist, “spirit.”   Some cases of poltergeists remain unexplained and may involve actual spirits. In other cases the phenomena may be produced by subconscious psychokinesis on the part of an individual.   The most common types of poltergeist activities are: rains of stones, dirt, and other small objects; loud noises and shrieks; objects, including large pieces of furniture, being moved or thrown; and vile smells.   It seems that poltergeists have adapted to the development of technology. They are suspected to have caused interference in telephones and electronic equipment, and turning lights and appliances on and off. Some poltergeists are said to pinch, bite, hit, and sexually assault the living.   Generally poltergeist activity starts and stops abruptly. The activity almost always occurs at night and in the presence of a certain person. Typically this is the “agent,” an individual who seems to serve as a focus or magnet for the activity.
  24. Poltergeist Activity- In some cases, poltergeist activity can be attributed to a mischievous or malevolent spirit possessing the ability to move objects by solidifying the ambient air, which results in the movement and teleportation of objects. In other cases, the subconscious psychokinetic powers of a pubescent child or an individual under a great deal of stress may be the cause of the ghostly phenomenon.
  25. Portal Hauntings-  Portals are a link, or doorway, between our physical world and the spiritual world. Spirits can enter into our world through a portal. Portals can be created through a ritual or caused by a natural energy source coming from the earth, such as ley lines.
  26. Reoccurring Hauntings- This type of haunting appears very similar to a residual haunting, except that there is some kind of intelligence involved. In this case, the activity is caused by a spirit trapped between realms, reliving a moment in the past, over and over until the pattern is disrupted.
  27. Residential Haunting- A ghost who resides within the home, which makes the home haunted.
  28. Residual Haunting- Is believed to be caused by traumatic past events that leave an imprint on the environment. These imprints replay over and over. No spirit or ghost is involved; it’s just like watching a movie.  There is no interaction with the living.
    The theory in this sort of haunting is that the energy expended during repetitive or traumatic events is absorbed and stored in the electromagnetic field at the site. Over time the energy builds up, when the energy can no longer be contained it is discharged, showing a replay of the traumatic event that once took place. Once the event is played out then the cycle begins again.
    Some suggest that atmospheric conditions, such as storms, may initiate the playback. There is also a quantum physics-related theory that explains the energy as particles of light that are dormant until they are stimulated by an outside variable under the proper conditions.
  29. Shadow Ghost- A black, mist like spirit possessing no discernable features. Shadow ghosts are believed to be usually demonic in nature and are sometimes described by witness as merely a "Black Shape".
  30. Spirit- A being that exists without a physical body (Discarnate) and is not bound by the restrictions or characteristics of the physical world. Also known as a ghost or an apparition

A Witch's Guide to Ghosts and the Supernatural by: Gerina Dunwich
Page 24 Reads:
"Some people believe that cold spots indicate the locations of spirit portals, or invisible doorways between our world and the spiritual dimension, through which the spirits can pass in and out. Many also believe that working with Ouija Boars (Or similar devices) or holding séances to contact spirits of the deceased can create, or unlock if you will, such a door through which the summoned spirit enters and leaves our plane of existence. Normally, after communication with the spirit is ended and the departing entity returns to its own world, the spirit portal closes behind it. However, in some instances the portal remains open. When this happens, there is typically an increase in ghost activity in the house or area. The only ways to close these spirit portals is through prayer or spell."


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