Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tips for Empaths!

Are you a highly sensitive person?  Do you tend to take on the energies of those around you?  Do other people’s moods affect you so much, that at times, it’s hard to differentiate between their feelings and your own?  Sensitive people, or empaths, make up a large portion of those with psychic gifts.  For the untrained empathy, this trait can feel like more of a curse than a gift, because it’s one of the most common, but difficult psychic gifts to understand. 

The best way to defend yourself against the detrimental feelings that come with high sensitivity is to be aware of your environment, and the people who inhabit your life.  We can choose our friends, but we can’t always decide whom we work with or the family we come from.  Remember, when other people with negative attitudes come into your personal space, it is likely to affect you and your senses.  The first step in taking control of your sensitivity is to be aware of these energy-suckers in the first place.  If are constantly surrounded by negative energy – whether directed at you or not – you must learn ways to cope with your sensitivity!  Try some of these tips to harness your psychic gift: 

Be aware of your own sensitivity.
-Just being aware that you are an empath is the first step in taking back control of your energy field!  Growing up, I never understood why I seemed to feel sick, drained, emotional, or depressed for no apparent reason.  Now, after learning about my own sensitivity, I have a better grasp on how I am feeling, and why.

Make a list of energy-suckers you encounter.
-Take out a notebook and write down all the names of people you encounter on a daily or weekly basis.  After writing down their names, go through the list and read each name aloud.  Close your eyes and allow yourself to feel any physical or emotional sensations as you say each name.  As an empath, you’ll have a gut feeling when thinking about each person; make notes as you go down the list, and highlight those who give you a sense of anxiety, fear, or negativity.  Next time you’re around one of those people, and you feel out of balance, you’ll have a better chance of deciphering whether it’s their energy or your energy that you’re feeling.

Shield yourself around negative people.
-Imagine a white bubble of light surrounding you when in the presence of negative people.  Use your mind to visualize the bubble expanding as far as it can go.  This will help protect your energy field from lower vibrational energies that are in your vicinity.   You can also shield particular negative people around you in their own bubble – ensuring that their low vibrational energy stays within their bubble.

Remember that you are not responsible for other people’s feelings.
-Many empaths take on the weight of the world by feeling a sense of responsibility for others feelings.  Don’t get sucked into this trap – negative people love to feed off of other people’s energy, so don’t let them use your energy for their benefit and your detriment.

Use affirmations to boost your energy daily.
-Remind yourself through affirmations how wonderful you are and how great your life is!  You are responsible for your own actions and feelings, so make the best of them by telling yourself every day how great you are.  There’s no shame in boosting your own energy!

Take care of your environment.
-Get rid of excess clutter to boost the energy in your workplace and home.  Use candles, incense, Himalayan salt lamps, or smudge sticks to get rid of stale energy and make room for positive vibrations.  Keep a live plant or two to bring in more good energy, while providing your space with fresh oxygen and something pretty to look at. 

Use crystals and gemstones.
-Many crystals and gemstones protect empaths from negativity.  Keep a few tumbled gemstones in your pocket, around your desk, and near your bed while you sleep.  Try Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Bloodstone, Laborite, Jasper or Onyx for psychic protection and grounding; use Amber for releasing negative energy; try Citrine, Quartz, or Tiger’s Eye for an increase in positive energy.  Be sure to cleanse your gemstones daily after use!
Discuss your sensitivity with others.
-If you notice someone’s energy is affecting you, try discussing your feelings with him or her.   Sometimes being upfront and honest about your sensitivity can do wonders.  You may find that by talking and explaining your feelings to others, even those who bother you, can help the situation.

For more information, please go to:
‘The Knowing’ celebrates 30 Traits of the Empath

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